Productivity for Entrepreneurs

The fastest growing sector of online business is PUBLISHING. 

We understand that it may interest you. But it takes time and money. We can become a working partner with you and get you an income that takes very little time and saves you money.

Here's what you'll get

No need to have ANY writing ability. There is no need to write anything.

We know how to get books

  •  written by top authors
  • proofread and edited
  • find titles and descriptions that will make your book sell
  • get the covers made
  • get the book recorded
  • upload all of it to various sale sites.
No need to invest in any training courses. We know what needs to be done

The problem with spending $1,000 - $4,000 for training courses is that

  • first you have to spend time sitting through the training,
  • then you have to spend time DOING the work!
  • then trying to find sources for the details
No need to invest and learn to use tools like typesetting software or topic research software.

Did you know that even with an expensive course you will still need to purchase software to:

  • software and time to find the right topic
  • software to typeset and format you book
  • copywrite free images

Information you need:

Can you make money in publishing? 

Yes. And statistically speaking it is more probable that you will succeed than with an online store, affiliate sales, or with a blog or social media following. However, the vast number of people still fail. There are too many moving parts.

How much will I have to invest?

You will have to make an investment in your own training. Courses and training videos may look like they start at around $50 but you will find that they will quickly tell you that you need another product from the company and another until you have spent over $1,000. Full training courses will run from $1,000 - $3,000 and you will still need to purchase additional software. THEN you will spend up to 50 HOURS of time just watching the training. THEN you have to go out and product the book 

How much will it cost to produce the book?

Producing a book will take time and software to find a topic with a good niche. Then you will need a detailed outline, a ghost writer, a cover designer and 3 versions of the cover (4 if you want to do a hardback) You will need proof reading and editing which can be expensive. You will need to be good at copywriting for the title and the description (or you can hire someone.) You need to have it formatted and typeset and finally uploaded. In all, it is going to be $1500 - $2,000 to produce the book. 

How much do I get paid?

If you were an author in a traditional publishing house, you would get around 10% of the sale price. The publisher has done all the work and cost of publishing the book but 10% of THAT usually goes to the agent.  For self published books, it is 50-70% of the purchase price. The book selling platform takes the rest. You will be paid once a month, 60-90 days after the sale, depending on the platform.

You want to start an online business but you don't have time for all the training and the investment in that training and additional software.

One top selling training course is priced at $2000 if you pay full price or you can split it into 3 payments of $999 each (yes, that is 200% interest!!!) They have over 28,000 members, almost no one on one training and a facebook page where members swap ignorance. They promote that you can make publishing a full time business and quit your job. They have 175 members who are makng a full time living at it.

What they don't talk about is the extra $1500 - $2000 you need per book to produce and market

Here is what we offer

We are a publishing company. We own and can use the necessary software. We have the contacts to find the right niche, to get the book well written, proofed and edited, typeset and formatted. The quality of the book and of the book's appearance does make a difference. We have contacts with writers and graphic designers. We have copywriters who can find the right title, subtitle, niche and book description.

There are four critical parts to a successful book. The topic, the title, the cover and the book itself.  We can handle those. It is also easier to make more sales with a number of books, usually 3-6, in the same niche. That means that with every niche, we have to invest $48,000 to get up to full profit. To be perfectly honest, that limits our growth potential. 

When you join as a partner, you will be send information and you will be asked about your preferences at every stage.

You can be as involved or as hands off as you want. You can be involved in:

  • Choosing the topic from a list of strong topice we have found
  • You can (or not) read the outline, and the final book.
  • You can help choose and approve the title and subtitle
  • You can help choose and approve the cover design
  • We want you to be involved in getting reviews from your friends and family as soon as possible for the book. We usually like about 50-100 so get busy on social media. The more good reviews, the better the sales.
  • Advertising and promotion for the book may or may not be part of your package.
  • You pay for the production of the book, 
  • You get up to 40% royality on the book sales.
  • You own the rights to the book and will continue to make profits from the book paid monthly depending on the sales. 

 We are looking for investment partners who don't have time to develop their own publishing company but who want a passive income from publishing. This is a better investment than stocks, real estate or even bitcoin. The return continues with very little effort or further investment. You should get your original investment back in less than a year, but books remain good sellers for years and years with little or no additional costs. There are very few investment opportunities like this and for such a low investment price.

Focus & Action

take the first step and join for just $25. You may discontinue your involvement at any time.
