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We are a One Stop Shop for Help In Publishing Your Books

Checklist to producing a book

Here is a good checklist for poducing a book. And every one of these elements is important. There is much more to publishing a book than just writing one and most of us aren't experienced in all of these elements.

It's important to figure out where your talents will help you and where it is faster and easier to simply hire the help you need.  

We are a full publishing company and we can help you at any step where you need help.

  • We can do everything from walk you through each step and be a consultant to help you stay on the right track, 
  • to contracting to do any or all of the steps you need to outsource.
  • Find a good topic 
  • Decide on an angle, what is your audience?
  • Write a detailed outline
  • Decide on a great title
  • Write the book
  • Edit the book
  • Proofread
  • Edit again
  • Typeset/Formatting
  • Produce a Great Cover
  • Write a great description
  • Upload the book
  • Get Reviews
  • Advertise the book
  • Get paid!
Almost none of the top selling books on Amazon are produced without some outsourcing

Contact us to discuss what you need and how we can help you with your book project. From copywriting descriptions to designing a cover with a kick ass title, we can do it for you.
