We can easily solve your book review problem

It's frustrating having great books but you spend more time getting reviews than in book production.

We have good book reviewers. We work with our reviewers to make sure they know what you need in a book review. You need detailed reviews that have quotes you can pull out and use in marketing. I review that just says, "It was good" doesn't give you any credibility and it sounds fake. You need solid, honest reiews with details about you book.


What if they don't like my book?  Good question!  Every writer and publisher worries about negative reviews, but they also want to have honest reviews. 

If your book isn't going to get a good review, we wouldn't let our reviewer print it. We review our reviewers before they post their reviews to be sure it is the quality review you need. However, this doesn't mean we are going to rubber stamp a bad book. We will have one of our in house staff review the book and work with you to improve it. When the book is improved, you will get a review that will not cost you another credit. We are the only company making such an offer.

Reasonable pricing

You purchase reviews in packages, from 5 reviews to 25. You can use those review credits any way you want. For example, if you purchase a package of 20 reviews, you can use all 20 credits on one book, or break them over 20 different books if you want to. Credits may be used up to 5 years from the date of purchase and that time can be extended simply by contacting us and asking for an extention.

We believe that helping people succeed in the book publishing industry is an important service.

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